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Latest Hands of Hope News2022-12-02T03:26:29+00:00
1603, 2016

Change is coming to Fort White

By |March 16th, 2016|Categories: Hands of Hope News|

Change is Coming to Fort White Intlantsi Christian School began in January 2019 with an inaugural class of 13 students. In 2020, we added an additional 16 students. Our goal is to add 20 new students each year until we have 100 students in Grades 8-12. In successive years, we will add 40 new students each year, reaching a maximum enrollment of 200 students. Currently, we have [...]

1503, 2016

Our Aquaponics Farm is Here!

By |March 15th, 2016|Categories: Hands of Hope News|

Our Aquaponics Farm is Here! After two years of planning, our aquaponics farm has started to become a reality. In the middle of February 2022, we began the work necessary to prepare for the building and installation of our aquaponics farm. Our first task was to move the electric transformer which sat in the middle of the two acres where our aquaponics modules will be built. [...]


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